Published in English
Protection of women’s dignity during the COVID 19 pandemic. 715-727
Mršević Z., 2020.
In. Yearbook. No. 3, Human rights protection: the right to human dignity
Ed. Zoran Pavlović. Novi Sad: Provincial Protector of Citizens – Ombudsman; Belgrade: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research.
ISBN 978-86-89417-12-8 (PZG)
ISBN 978-86-80756-36-3 (IKSI)
COBISS.SR-ID 23489801
The subject of the paper is the escalation of violence against women in the social and political context of deterioration the economic (labor and professional) position of women. These are the two basic areas of possible violation of the dignity of women during the Covid19 pandemic in Serbia, both of which relate to the very basic of human existence. The aim of this paper is to, through the analysis of endangering and diminishing the dignity of women in the current moment of the pandemic crisis, simultaneously identify possible answers and measures to protect the dignity of women. The focus is on necessity of protection against gender based violence, women’s human rights, institutional responses, solidarity, security and good communication. Attention will be paid to both domestic and international sources and examples of good practice, especially from the region and Europe, from the OSCE, Council of Europe, the EIGE, European Institute for Gender Equality, to maybe most interesting campaign led by the FIFA. The future is still seen by all the mentioned actors as uncertain.
Keywords: gender based violence, escalation during pandemic measures, deterioration of gender equality, uncertain future
Gender aspects of security risks during the COVID 19 pandemic. 449 – 459.
Mršević Z., Janković S., 2020.
In., X International scientific conference “ARCHIBALD REISS DAYS” 18-19. November 2020. Ed., Stevo Jaćimovski et all.
Belgrade: University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies.
ISBN 978-86-7020-453-9
ISBN 978-86-7020-190-3
The subject of the paper is focused on the facts that indicate that neither the COVID-19 virus, nor the measures against it, has an equal impact on women and men. While analyzing the pandemic, in the language of security, the focus must be on the fight against the virus from a human security-oriented point of view, viewed through gender lenses. For example: women predominate in occupations where contact is inevitable, which increases the risk of infection, also there is a worrying increase in domestic and other forms of gender-based violence. In situations of stress and isolation in the home, while the availability of support services for victims of violence is reduced, women and children are exposed to increased mental, physical and sexual violence. The aim of this paper is to analyze the gender aspects of security risks, the importance of cooperation between the rule of law authorities and other actors providing protection services in order to reduce possible challenges, but also the need for violence prevention in every respect
Keywords: pandemic, gender-based inequalities, jobs challenges, gender-based violence, human-oriented security, prevention
Women in entrepreneurship – a condition for equality assurance. 133-140.
Mršević Z., Janković S., 2020.
In: Life Cycle Engineering and Management
Ed: Popović Branko, Papić Ljubiša. Prijevor: DQM International Center
In: Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM – 2020.
ISBN 978-86-86355-42-3 COBISS.SR-ID 19256329
This paper analyzes the systemic security risks that occur in the times of crisis as a disruptive factor for the willingness to change, to adapt through the prism of new visions. A socially safer, more sensitive and more just world is a possible future after the pandemic crisis only if our current vision of the future inevitably contains an embedded gender aspect of transformation. The world we strive for should contain a different picture of gender roles, activities, needs, opportunities and rights that affect men, women, girls and boys in a particular economic situation or social context. The inclusion of women in entrepreneurship is one of the necessary conditions for a better economy colored by everyday pragmatism, perseverance, struggle and empathy. This is not just the right attitude, it is a smart orientation, as shown by case studies of the functioning of the women entrepreneurs from Čačak during the emergency measures.
Keywords: Security risks, gender aspect, gender analysis, women entrepreneurs.
Gender Aspects of Natural Catastrophes/Disasters. 82 -99.
Mršević Z., Janković S., 2019.
In: Contemporary issues and perspectives on gender research.
Ed: Čičkarić Lilijana & Mršević Zorica..
Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences
ISBN - 978-86-7093-226-5 .
COBISS.SR-ID – 280838924
During recent decades, international humanitarian organizations and the governments of countries affected by natural catastrophes/disasters and climate change have highlighted the fact that more women lose their lives and suffer other effects of such events than men. This disparity in victim numbers is a phenomenon that is caused by – and inherently linked with – the unequal socioeconomic status of women. In alleviating disaster risks, women and men are limited to the roles and responsibilities they are afforded at home and in society. Gender roles constructed in an exclusive manner result in different personal and group identities and potentials, social responsibilities, behaviours and expectations. Thus, gender-based differentiation leads to gender inequality in all socio-economic processes, including different roles and opportunities: reductions in vulnerability and disaster risks, improved disaster management, anticipation of possible damages, and recovery from these. Due to all these differences, it is clear that women and men must participate equally in determining ways to reduce the risks of a disaster at the community level (national, regional and international) without discrimination and exclusion. These needs are a prerequisite for supporting women’s independent initiatives and for the financing of environmentally-friendly technologies for the sustainable use of natural resources.
Keywords: natural catastrophes/disasters, climate change, gender roles, gender responsibility, prevention, recovery, building resistance.
Helena Blavatsky’s Anthropogenesis 74-89.
Mršević Z.,
In: Different forms of religiosity and the modern world..
Ed: Mirko Blagojevic and Zlatko Matic
ISBN 978-86-7093-228-9
In accordance with Blavatsky’s understanding of human creation on Earth, there were five civilizations/races. Terms “civilization” and “race” are used synonymously, and are of much broader meaning than our common meaning. Namely, Blavatsky used both terms to mark the whole human population on Earth in a certain period as different to all previous and following humans (races/civilizations). The basic idea is that living beings had not evolved to become to humankind, but instead, humankind was the first divine creation to be gifted with intelligence. The history of humankind’s civilization was not one of continuous progress leading to us, contemporary humans as the peak of the progress. Previous civilizations went to ruins, retrogressing to degenerate civilizations four times prior to ours, the fifth one. Blavatsky saw the first ancient sin of humankind in evil, endless wars, destructions and in misused psychic energy gifted by the divine. Karmic punishment was the confiscation of this psychic energy. The yet-to-be-perfected fifth civilization was thus deprived of the most powerful of humankind’s divine gifts, which had made humankind of the third and fourth civilizations god-like: it lost its connection to the universal information space. The main part of the article is dedicated to a detailed analysis of Blavatsky’s understanding of the creation of humankind and the phases in its development. The author analysed not only the creation of the world and paradise/golden age, apocalypses, but also communication with upper civilizations and similarities with theory of evolution. Blavatsky’s Anthropogenesis is a high quality piece of literature, which also possesses the capacity to connect people of various beliefs.
Keywords: Helena Blavatsky, anthropogenesis, five human races, ancient humankind sin, lost paradise, retrogression of humankind, diminishing of human powers, the third eye, loss of psychic energy
Practical lessons of past European disasters 279 – 291
Mršević Z., Janković S., 2019.
In: International scientific conference “ARCHIBALD REISS DAYS”.
Ed: Stevo Jaćimovski
ISBN 978-86-7020-431-7
ISBN 978-86-7020-190-3 (za izdavačku celinu)
COBISS.SR-ID 280685836
The subject of the paper is the necessity of paying attention to practical lessons of the past European disasters in order to improve adequate responses of today. The main goal is to show possible ways of improvement resilience of the countries and regions by implementing the principle of “build it better”, not only to domain of construction building, but also to societal relations. The method is critical analysis of the past disasters, e.g. the European tsunami happened about eight thousand years ago, the Little Ice Age occurred at the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century, the hurricane of 1674 in Northwestern Europe, and the Great Storm of 1703. There are presented relevant recent international documents which advocates the strengthening of preventative measures and the development of communities and nations resilience, in relation to the consequences of disasters, combined with the current gender theory demands. The most significant result of the paper is raising risk awareness that disasters do not always hit “others and other continents”, but could happen in Europe too.
Keywords: disaster prevention, resistance strengthening, practical lessons from past European disasters, “build it better” principle
Istanbul Convention – obligation or needs, str. 253 – 259
Janković S., Mršević Z., 2018
In: ISBN 978-6-86355-37-9
COBISS.SR-ID 264684556
In: Life cycle engineering and management ICDQM – 2018.
Ed: Ljubiša Papić
Prijevor: The DQM Research Center
Key words: Istanbul Convention, domestic violence, discrimination against women, criminalization of various forms of violence, due diligence, protocols
Challenges of inclusive security, 183-193.
Mršević Z., Janković S., (2018)
In: Archibald Reiss Days - The VIII International Scientific Conference
Ed: Darko Simović
Beograd: Kriminalističko policijska akademija
ISBN 978-86-7020-405-8
ISBN 978-86-7020-190-3
Key words: inclusive security, women's physical security, challenges, risks, experiences: France, USA, disaster risk reduction
Unmarried Couples in Serbia between the Constitution and the laws. 281 – 293.
Mršević Z., (2018).
In., Yearbook. Human rights Protection “From unlawfulness to legality”
Ed., Zoran Pavlović
ISBN: 978-86-89417-08-1 (PZG)
ISBN: 987-86-80756-14-1 (IKSI)
Key words: unmarried couples, human rights, surviving spouse, inheritance, family pension, constitution, laws, Constitutional Court decision, unmarried couples in comparative law
Disaster Risk Reduction - Gender Aspects. 209 – 2016.
Mršević Z., Janković S., (2018)
In: In., The proceeding of Human Security and New Technologies.
Ed., S. Stanarević, G. Mandić, Lj.Katić.
Beograd: Faculty of Security, Human Security Research Center.
ISBN 978-86—80144-30-6
COBISS.SR-ID 269449740
Key words: disasters, women, gender relations, poverty, disaster risk reduction
Local knowledge on the local ownership principle in Serbia.
Mršević Z., Janković S., (2018)
Facta universitatis: Law and Politics Vol. 16, No 1, 2018, pp. 1-13.
Niš: University of Niš
ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)
Key words: international actors, local ownership principle, learning sites, humanitarian industry, gender equality mechanisms in Serbia, transversal policy
DOI Number
Feminism in Serbia and the Left. 35.
Mršević Z., 2018.
Key words: Feminism, feminist' project, gender theory, women's studies, children of the Left, feminist's branches in Serbia, new challenges
Serbian Media on Peer Violence pp. 53-66.
Mršević Z., (2018)
Journal of Eastern European Criminal Law. Vol. V. no 1.
West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Law. Center of Research in Criminal Sciences, West University of Timisoara. University of Pecs, Faculty of Law.
ISSN 2360-4964
Key words: peer violence, media reporting, school violence, group violence, parents of abusers, analogy with adult violence, anti-school culture.
Mršević Z., (2017)
Security as a prerequisite of freedom - (not)efficiency of criminal law protection 201-217
In: Sloboda, bezbednost pravo na privatnost. Zbornik radova.
Ed: Zoran Pavlović
Novi Sad: Pokrajinski zaštitnik građana i
Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
ISBN 978-86-89417-04-3 (PZG)
ISBN 978-86-80756-97-3 (IKSI)
COBISS-SR-ID 318285575
The paper presents an analysis of recent cases of publicly and privately committed homophobic and transphobic violence against LGBT people in Serbia, resulting in essential limitation of personal security, and consequently, reduced freedom and basic rights of the members of this population. Physical violence against persons of non-traditional sexual orientation and non-binary gender identity, as well as hate speech in public discourse, and on the other hand, the impunity of those who committed these acts are the main reasons why a large number of LGBT people live in fear for personal safety, significantly reduced movements, communications, educations and professional aspirations, while conducting a "double" life, and fearing of further victimization, does not report hate crimes cases. Although the Criminal Code contains Article 54a stipulating hate speech and hate crime as aggravating circumstances, to date there has been no one sentenced with a call to that provision.
Key words: Personal safety, reduced freedom, hate motivated crime, hate speech, impunity of perpetrators, nobody sentenced
Mršević Z., (2017)
Media coverage of court proceedings in cases of gender-based violence. 195-207
In., Pravosuđe i mediji.
Ur., Ivana Stevanović
Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja.
ISBN 978-86-83287-97-0
COBISS.SR-ID 235768076
Key words: Hegemonic masculinity, partner and non-partner femicide, the murder of old women, decision of the Press Council, violence in circles of celebrities
Janković S., Mršević Z., (2017)
Improving the quality of functioning of the security sector gender mainstreaming 459-465.
ed., Ljubiša Papić, In “DQM International conference Life style Engineering and Management.
DQM Research Center, Prijevor
ISBN 978-86-86355-35-8
COBISS.SR-ID 240575500
Women in the armed forces of the world, still have unequal status, often are professionally separated and culturally discriminated, but however, they are neither peripheral in the military organization, nor only a passive observer of events in it. Better general social acceptance of women as soldiers increases the attractiveness of military service, both of women and men. Many positive and successful models of women's military career also contribute, as well as currently decades-long presence of women in modern armed forces of the world. One of the key arguments for improving the functioning of the security system is more meaningful engagement of human resources, comprising acknowledgment of the role and importance of women. Necessary is also the full integration of gender aspects in peace processes, in everyday life and thus more effective engagement towards creating a safe and secure environment through a more consolidated gender-equitable system security.
Key words: security sector, gender perspective, women in the armed forces, security system
Mršević Z., i Janković S., (2017),
Factors of women’s participation in armed forces 239-251.
In: Dani Arčibalda Rajsa
Ed: Biljana Simeunović-Patić
Beograd: Kriminalističko policijska akademija
ISBN 978-86-7020-378-5
COBISS-SR-ID 249244684
In the text are presented factors that contribute to women's participation in the armed forces. History shows that women in earlier centuries also were active in the armies. But after the end of the armed conflict they were regularly excluded from military service and military professional privileges, what also happened after the Second World War and the national liberation wars during the twentieth century. Not before the last quarter of the twentieth century began the professional integration of women into the armed forces. The main factor was the lack of men willing and able for military service, but also the current processes of increased social equalization of gender relations. In the text is presented the so-called, Segal impact model of multicollinearity indicating the existence of multiple independent factors influencing the circumstances of women’s participation in the armed forces. Most attention is paid to military factors, including the reference to national security, the impact of recently-led wars, international military alliances and changes in military technology. Military transformation, evident over the past decade through the armed forces of NATO member states, inevitably involve the transformation of the military nature of women's participation. Such transformation, accelerated by the wars in Iraq (and Afghanistan), including changes to the hiring of female staff and their deployment. Today there is increasingly expressed the view that women have a "right to uniform," as the right to equal professional treatment in any field. Examples of successful military careers of prominent women in the armies of the world's major military powers, especially the recently promoted women in the highest general rank orders, were also highlighted in the text as models of strong influence to young women’s decision to join the army.
Key words: women in armed forces, “Segal model” of factors multicollinearity, lack of men, national security, “Jenny effect", women generals
Mršević Z., (2016)
Transgender prisoners, 150-160
in Archibald Reiss Days, Volume 1,
Ed., Đorđe Đorđević & others.
Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade
ISBN 978-86-7020-356-3
COBISS.SR-ID 226081548
Summary. The subject is theoretical review of position of transgender persons serving prison sentences. The text aims to raise the level of knowledge about the existence of high exposure to violence and sexual abuse of that group and to offer answers to some of the issues of crucial importance, for example, once when in prison, where they are supposed to be placed, among women or men, and could they upon request, change sex while in prison. The text presents and argues possible legal solutions, relying on legal comparative answers to basic questions of prison accommodation of transgender prisoners: in accordance to their acquired (desired, or wished) rather than to their anatomical, biological gender. How to protect them of violence, how to answer to demands of transgender people to continue hormone treatment started before serving a prison sentence, as well as on their request to begin with the process of gender reassignment process while in a prison. In situation where there is a significant lack of research data documenting involvement of trans issues in the contemporary security studies, it opens a lot of room for improvement in that area. Although it seems easy to continue ignoring penological aspects of transgender issues, failure to discuss raising level of respect for human dignity in the prison system of Serbia would be irresponsible. Especially given that this group, while becoming visible in our society after legalized process of gender reassignment within the health system of the Republic of Serbia, financed by the health funds, at the same time becomes subject of further discrimination and violence.
Key words: Transgender prisoners, gender identity, sex reassignment surgery, hormone treatment, sexual violence, human dignity
Mršević Z., (2016)
Comparative change in the legal status of transgender persons, 115 - 132
Facta Universitatis Vol. 14. no. 1: 115 – 132, 2016
University of Niš. Niš
ISSN 1450-5517 (print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (online)
COBISS.SR-ID 138066439
The experiences of other countries from around the world, show that there is no only one and the same, everywhere applicable scenario of legal changes in terms of regulating the status of transgender people. The process most commonly begins by providing gender reassignment hormonal surgery procedures, which necessarily are followed by legal recognition of newly gender identity. The next step necessarily implies the need to enact legislation to regulation the so-called social gender or gender identity, according to the right to self-determintation of transgender persons, which is unrelated to previously undertaken medical treatment and gender reassignment surgery. Some countries have gone far in implementation of this third step, while others have not taken even not the first steps. Notably, different initiatives and events may be observed worldwide, many of which constitute the necessary “first steps” aimed at increasing the social acceptanced of gender diveristy. These steps may seem small and insufficient, but they are actuallt huge and significant in breaking the sanctity of the binary gender division and accepting specific transgender individuals. All steps are based on the need to protect all people, incuding transgender people from discrimination, violence, different forms of victimization, and other impacts of neglecting gender identity. Once gender identity becomes legally protected, it is possible to gradually build procedures and other types of legal protection mechanisms designed for all people whose gender identity differs from the rigid binary division into women and men, as the only identity options. In Serbia there is still a significant lack of legal regulations of status of transgender persons, which implies that there is much room for improvement in this area. While it would be easy to keep ignoring this issue, it would be irresponsible to exclude transgender persons from analysis of social phenomena involving marginalization and victimization.
Key words: transgender, gender identity, gender mark change in identification documents, first steps
Mršević Z., (2016)
Transgender women in prisons, str. 259 – 269
Ed., Ivana Stevanović
In: Krivične i prekršajne sankcije i mere
Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja Beograd
ISBN 978-86-83287-90-1
COBISS.SR-ID 223617548
Danijela Spasić;, Slađana Đurić;, Zorica Mršević;, (2015).
Survival in an “all boys club”: Policewomen in Serbia. 57 – 70.
Women’s Studies International Forum, Volume 48, January–February 2015, Pages 57–70.
ISSN: 0277-5395
Elsevier, University of Glasgow
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.657
The paper is based on the results of the first qualitative research focusing on the position of policewomen in Serbia. The research was conducted from June to August 2011 on a sample of 30 policewomen of various standings as working police officers; it took into account the types of roles held, the police schools they finished, their professional experience and the size of the police organizations with which they were employed. The core questions in the analysis related to policewomen's experiences while completing their education, during the hiring process and while carrying out their police duties, as well as regarding possibilities for promotion. Although considerable improvement was noted regarding the status of women in the process of police education, most participants in the research had negative experience in the course of finding a job; they also experienced limitations with regard to their promotion as well as various sorts of harassment at work.
Key words: police schools, police women, carrying police duties, negative experiences, various sorts of harassments, improvements
Survival in an “all boys club”: Policewomen in Serbia. 57 – 70.
Mršević Z., (2015)
The Beauty of graffiti, 147-190
Ed: Andreea Lazea
In: Art, Society, and Politics in (Post) Socialism
West University, Timisoara
ISBN 978-973-125-470-8
The author presented a series of anonymous interventions in the form of witty “restorations” of the worst hatred contents, funny correspondence, new paintings opposing the hatred, and more beautiful pictures. Thus she discovered the existence of some kind of wild – although unfinished – but certainly attractive, urban beauty. She was faced by the beauty of creation, and it was a moment of enlightenment, when she realised the difference between the power of creativity and violence. The capacity of creativity stood opposed to destruction and violence, actors of creation versus violence as demolition. She opted, naturally, for the power of creation, disagreeing with those who think all graffiti is simply an ugly and unacceptable way of dirtying the city’s spaces and buildings. Graffiti messages expressing anti-Semitism, Territoriality, Right-wing sentiments, Misogyny, Homophobia, etc., belong to the domain of hate. Artistic, Loving, Acknowledging, Images/Murals belong to the domain of beauty, while Left-wing, Football-related, and Politically-oriented pieces are aesthetically neutral and might be placed within beauty or hate domains on an individual case-by-case basis.
Key words: graffiti, artistic graffiti, legal and illegal graffiti, how to combat hate graffiti
Danijela Spasić, Sladjana Djurić, Zorica Mršević, (2015),
Survival in an “all boys club”: Policewomen in Serbia
Women's Studies International Forum
Volume 48, January–February 2015, Pages 57–70
Synopsis: The paper is based on the results of the first qualitative research focusing on the position of policewomen in Serbia. The research was conducted from June to August 2011 on a sample of 30 policewomen of various standings as working police officers; it took into account the types of roles held, the police schools they finished, their professional experience and the size of the police organizations with which they were employed. The core questions in the analysis related to policewomen's experiences while completing their education, during the hiring process and while carrying out their police duties, as well as regarding possibilities for promotion. Although considerable improvement was noted regarding the status of women in the process of police education, most participants in the research had negative experience in the course of finding a job; they also experienced limitations with regard to their promotion as well as various sorts of harassment at work. The paper is based on the results of the first qualitative research focusing on the position of policewomen in Serbia. The research was conducted from June to August 2011 on a sample of 30 policewomen of various standings as working police officers; it took into account the types of roles held, the police schools they finished, their professional experience and the size of the police organizations with which they were employed. The core questions in the analysis related to policewomen's experiences while completing their education, during the hiring process and while carrying out their police duties, as well as regarding possibilities for promotion. Although considerable improvement was noted regarding the status of women in the process of police education, most participants in the research had negative experience in the course of finding a job; they also experienced limitations with regard to their promotion as well as various sorts of harassment at work.
Mršević Z., (2014),
LGBT Children between public homophobia and their parental families’ dismissal instead of solidarity and protection, 325 - 357
in: MIND THE GAP(S) Family, Socialization and Gender
Ed., Tamara Petrović-Trifunović, Sanja Milutinović Bojanić , Gazela Pudar Draško.
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade Center for Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy. Belgrade.
ISBN: 978-86-82417-81-1
Homofobično društvo, instiucije i pojedinci diskriminišu i vrše razne oblike nasilja nad LGBT osobama, što ih svrstava u najugroženije društvene grupe. Ali dok odrasle LGBT osobe imaju izgrađene određene sisteme samoodbrane, dotle su LGBT deca mnogo bespomoćnija u suočavanju sa nasiljem i odbacivanjem u svojim porodicama, al i i drugim društvenim ambijentima u kojima se kreću, obrazovnim, sportskim i religiozim institucijama. Roditeljska porodica može da bude prava odbrana i zaštita od homofobičnog društva ako razvije solidarnost prema svojim LGBT najmlađim članovima umesto da bude produžena ruka homofobičnog nasilja.
Ključne reči: Homofobija, porodično nasilje, prinudno lečenje, diskriminacija, odbacivanje LGBT dece i mladih, solidarnost, zaštita.
Mršević Z., (2014),
Fear and how to cope with it (El miedo y cómo lidiar con él), 917- 929.
in: The many voices of oral history (Las múltiples voces de la historia oral.)
Ed., Santacana Carles, Vilanova Mercedes. Unversity of Barcelona. Barcelona.
ISBN: 978-84-393-9167-8
Mršević Z., (2014),
Young Lesbians and Transgender Girls in Serbia, 259-284
Ed., M.Adamović, B. Galić, A. Gvozdanović, A. Maskalan,
D. Potočnik, L. Somun Krupalija, in Young women in post-Yugoslav societies: research, practice and policy
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Human Rights Centre,
University of Sarajevo
ISBN 978-953-6218-56-1 (Institute for Social Research in Zagreb)
ISBN 978-9958-541-12-4 (Human Rights Centre)
Mršević (2013),
Homophobia in Serbia and LGBT Rights
Southeastern Europe, Volume 37, Issue 1: 60–87
ISSN : 0094-4467
E-ISSN : 1876-3332
Keywords: homophobia in Serbia; LGBT activists; violence; discrimination; right to public assembly; Pride Parade
Mršević Z., (2013),
Food and Electricity: The War and Women’s Memories and Stories, 145-159.
Ed., Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru, Madalina Nicolaescu, Helen Smith
Between History and Personal Narrative -East European Women's Stories of Migration in the New Millennium
ISBN 978-3-643-90448-5
Keywords:NATO intrvencion, bombing of FR Yugoslavia, women’s memories, refugees, migrant women, everyday life and struggle for existence, the story of three Marinas
LIT Verlag, Berlin
Mršević Z., (2012),
Street Graffiti – Between Amnesty of Our Children and Moral Panicking
Bezbednost, vol. 54, 2:7-22.
UDK 343+351.74/75(05)
YU ISSN 0409-2953
UDK – 003.6.079 : 177.82 : 364.632 – 053.6
Keywords:street hate graffiti, youth subculture, alternative narration, vandalism
of public property, discrimination, violence, threats, positive validation
of hate.

Standards and Mechanisms for gender equality in democratic countries
Belgrade 2003, Institute for Social Sciences, Pp. 163.
Knjiga sadrži komplet međunarodnih dokumenata koji regulišu materiju mehanizama za rodnu ravnopravnost. Podeljena je na poglavlja koji sadrže izlaganje materije pojedinih mehanizama i njihovog funkcionisanja kao što su npr. zakoni o jednakim mogućnostima, nacionalni planovi akcija, tela i odgovorna lica zadužena za pitanja rodne ravnopravnosti. Oni su već par decenija deo političkih struktura svih nivoa u demokratskim zemljama a odnedavno se uvode i u zemlje tranzicije.
Violence Against Women, vol. 3, 2 : 101-128.
DOI: 10.1177/1077801297003002002
Violence Against Women in Belgrade, Serbia: SOS Hotline 1990-1993
The online version of this article can be found at: