1. Surname:
2. Name:
3. Date of birth:
7 October 1954
4. Nationality:

5. Education:

Year Institution Degree
1986 University of Belgrade, School of Law LLD, doctorate in law
1983 University of Belgrade, School of Law LLM
1983 Ministry of Justice, Republic of Serbia Bar examination
1977 University of Belgrade, School of Law LLB

6. Work experience:

6.1. Domestic, formal record
Date Institution Location Position Description
1999 - present Institute of Social Science Belgrade, Serbia Senior Research Fellow Coordinating and participating in research projects; Independent scientific and empirical research; Participating in Institute managerial bodies
2008 - present Faculty for European Legal and Political Studies Novi Sad, Srbija Professor Teaching courses: Gender Studies, Phenomenology of Violence, Criminology;
Participating in research;
Mentoring students research and master works; Other academic activities
2008 - 2011 Ombudsman of Republic of Serbia Belgrade, Serbia Deputy Ombudsman in charge for gender equality and rights of people with disabilities Finalizing ombudsman’s response to citizens’ petitions in domain of gender equality, rights of LGBT persons, people with disabilities, elderly persons, patients, pensions’ and labour rights;
Monitoring functioning of social institutions for elderly people and persons with disabilities
1979 - 1999 Institut for Criminological and Sociological Research Belgrade, Serbia Progress from assistant to higher researcher Research participation in all phases;
Since 1986 managing the Institute’s projects;
Participating in the Institute’s managerial bodies
1978 - 1979 Second Belgrade’s School of Economics Belgrade, Serbia Professor Teaching courses: Constitutional Law and Economy Law
6.2. Domestic: visiting professor, independent and counselling bodies
Date Institution Location Position Description
2011 - present Gender Equality Council to Government of Serbia Belgrade, Serbia Member Participating in counselling activities
2011 - present Observatory, Independent body for monitoring violence against women Belgrade, Serbia Member Media representation of violence against women
2011 - present Judiciary Academy Belgrade, Serbia Visiting professor Teaching course of Multiple discrimination and Violence against women to judges, prosecutors and candidates for judiciary
2010 - present State Commissioner for Equality Belgrade, Serbia Member of the Expert Counselling Board Counselling activities regarding gender equality and rights of LGBT persons
2011 Faculty for Political Sciences Women’s Studies Department Belgrade, Serbia Visiting professor Teaching subject Discrimination and responsibility;
Other academic duties
2000 - 2003 Peace Studies Belgrade, Serbia Visiting professor Teaching on gender equality and theory of violence
1999 - 2003 Alternative Academic Education Network Belgrade, Serbia Visiting professor Teaching on gender equality
1993/1994 University of Belgrade, School of Law Belgrade, Serbia Visiting professor Additional teaching in Criminal proceedings
1992 - present Centre for Women’s Studies, Alternative studies Belgrade, Serbia Visiting professor Course in Feminist Legal Theory;
Other academic activities
1992 - 1994 Faculty of Political Sciences – Department for Social Work Belgrade, Serbia Visiting professor Teaching on gender based violence
6.3. International organisations and universities:
Date Institution Location Position Description
2001 - 2008 OSCE Mission to Serbia Belgrade, Serbia Gender Advisor Managing projects:
Establishing of local mechanisms for gender equality;
Education for local gender equality mechanisms;
Empowerment of women for political participation;
Drafting laws and other legal documents on gender equality and antidiscrimination;
Providing expert support to national mechanisms for gender equality on provincial and republic level;
2000 - 2001 OXFAM GB Belgrade, Serbia Regional Women’s Program Officer Managing regional and national women’s projects
2005/2006 Rosa Mayreder College Vienna, Austria Visiting professor Teaching one semester course: Theory of violence and Women’s Human Rights
Central European University Budapest, Hungary Visiting professor Teaching three academic years the course: Theory of Violence and Women’s Human Rights;
Mentoring students research works;
Other academic activities
1996/1997 Law School, State University of Iowa Iowa, Iowa City, USA Visiting professor Teaching course Comparative Feminist Legal Theory;
Research: Family violence and its consequences;
Mentoring students’ research work;
Other academic activities

7. Other:

7.1. Editorial work:
  • 1986-2000: Yugoslavian Review for Criminology and Criminal Law (member of the Editorial Board)
  • 1999: Yugoslavian Review for Criminology and Criminal Law (Editor in Chief)
  • 1998-2000: Human Rights Journal (member of the Editorial Board)
7.2. Managerial work:
  • 2000: General manager – Centre for Legal Research, Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade
  • 1995-1996: Women's Studies Centre in Belgrade
  • 1997-2000: Member of the Executive Board, YUCOM Committee of Jurists for Human Rights
  • 1995-present: manager and coordinator of numerous projects.

8. Membership of professional bodies:

  • ATGENDER – European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation
  • Victimology Society of Serbia
  • Serbian Association for Criminal Law and Criminology

9. Language skills (from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest grade):

Language Passive Spoken Written
Serbian native native native
English 5 5 5
German 2 2 2
French 2 2 2

10. Other skills:

  • Computer literacy (MS Office, Internet, tables and sheets)
  • Driving licence “B” category

11. Key personal characteristics:

  • Sensitivity and expertise: gender studies, equality, anti-discrimination, human rights protection, legislation, international and national legal standards
  • Social integrity and fairness
  • Productivity in professional environment
  • Punctuality
  • Professionalism and experience in coordination, creation and implementation
  • Innovative and progressive professional profile
  • Ability of in-depth research in social sciences and social phenomena
  • Expertise and experience in theoretical and empirical research
  • Experience and ability in policy-making and implementation
  • Experience and ability in reporting and making recommendations

12. Sport activities and preferences:

She was actively engaged in sports from 1981 to 1990.

On several occasions, she was a member of the champion fencing team of the former Yugoslavia and of Serbia. She was last a member of the aforesaid team in 1989.

She is a pasionate fan of the fudball club Red Star, Belgrade.